Hosts & Guests

(she/her) Cait is a self-professed horse girl from Albuquerque, New Mexico, and if you ask her about her horse, she’ll never shut up. Her partner in riding adventures is Rocket, a 24-year-old Paint Horse. Tumblr.

(she/they) A queer Tolkien scholar and Zelda nerd interested in adaptation, audience reception, and biography.

(she/her) An acquirer of books, a queer-rights activist, serves as as the Subscriptions Steward of the Mythopoeic Society, and is a Professional Nerd (okay, technically it’s an unpaid internship).

(she/her) Just another weird Tolkien geek living in the Grey Havens (also known as Seattle WA) with two rabbits and far too few books.
Mythopoeic Society OMS 2024: Something Mighty Queer
International Gay Rodeo Association
Diana Wynne Jones, The Tough Guide to Fantasyland: The Essential Guide to Fantasy Travel.
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit: Or There and Back Again.
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings.
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Silmarillion. Ed. Christopher Tolkien.
Deborah Bright, “Horse Crazy.” Horsetales: American Images and Icons 1800-2000.
Susana Polo, “Aragorn is absolutely a Horse Girl: But only in the movies”. Polygon.
“30 Fantasy Books Featuring Dragonriders”. Fanfiaddict.
About This Episode
Friend of the pod Cait Rottler joins Leah, Grace, and Alicia to talk all about horses and the ‘Horse Girl’ character trope. We start out with a look at the overlap between Horse Girls and Queer identity, continue with a quick review of the major tropes of Horse Girl stories (with a detour into the related genre of ‘Dragonrider’ stories), and then celebrate our favorite ‘Horse Girls’ from Middle-earth, including Movie!Aragorn/Viggo Mortensen, Arwen, Tom Bombadil, Beorn, Glorfindel, and more.
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