We discuss some of the lesser-known Tolkien adaptations of every kind – from foreign TV adaptations to stage shows, radio plays, video games, and more.
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Tolkien Adaptations Part 2: Interview w/ Adam Brown of “The Hobbit” Films!

Episode 22 – Queer Readings: Eowyn & Faramir Part 3 – Bi Wife Energypt 3
We discuss how Eowyn’s gender queerness and Faramir’s soft masculinity combine to form the Queer Relationship Voltron of “Bi Wife Energy”.
Episode 21 – Queer Readings: Eowyn & Faramir Part 2 – Faramir
We focus on Tolkien’s author insert, Faramir, his gender presentation, & how his softer, non-toxic masculinity compares to Denethor & Boromir
Episode 20 – Queer Readings: Eowyn & Faramir Part 1 – Eowyn
Part 1 of our Eowyn & Faramir series jumps into Eowyn’s complex gender identity & expression, and how she navigates her Rohirric gender role.
Episode 19 – Shire Quick Post – NZ Trip, ‘Something Mighty Queer’ Seminar, and Recent Tolkien Scholarship
Alicia and Tim to recount highlights of their to New Zealand. Then we discuss the upcoming online seminar we’re hosting and some recent Tolkien scholarship.
Episode 18 – Horse Girls of Middle-earth with Cait
Cait Rottler joins us to talk all about horses and the ‘Horse Girl’ character trope. Including Queer identity overlap, Horse Girl story tropes, and Movie!Aragorn/Viggo Mortensen, Arwen, Tom Bombadil, Beorn, Glorfindel, etc.
Episode 17 – Talking “Angbang” with Cameron and Mercury
Episode 17 Talking "Angbang" with Cameron and Mercury Hosts & Guests(she/her) By day: a graphic designer and artist working in the visual and performing arts. By night: a Tolkien fan and scholar currently focused on researching Sauron, his development, his fandom...
Episode 16 – Queer Tolkien Anthology Interview with Robin Reid, Chris Vaccaro, and Steve Yandell
We discuss the landscape of Queer and Intersectional Tolkien studies and what these important and fresh outlooks can contribute to Tolkien scholarship.
Episode 15 – Year One Retrospective
Help us mark our first birthday with a bit of reflection as Tim asks a few questions about their experience thus far.
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