Episode 19
Shire Quick Post – NZ Trip, ‘Something Mighty Queer’ Seminar, and Recent Tolkien Scholarship
Hosts & Guests

(she/they) A queer Tolkien scholar and Zelda nerd interested in adaptation, audience reception, and biography.

(she/her) An acquirer of books, a queer-rights activist, serves as as the Subscriptions Steward of the Mythopoeic Society, and is a Professional Nerd (okay, technically it’s an unpaid internship).

(she/her) Just another weird Tolkien geek living in the Grey Havens (also known as Seattle WA) with two rabbits and far too few books.

(he/him) An experienced podcaster, Online Events Steward for the Mythopoeic Society, all-around nerd, and firmly believes that if more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.
About This Episode
For our first episode of 2024, we take a look through the Quick Post as Alicia is joined by ‘Producer’ Tim to recount the highlights of their December trip to New Zealand in December to a decidedly jealous Grace and Leah. Then we excitedly gush together about the upcoming online seminar we’re hosting on Feb 17th-18th, ‘Something Mighty Queer’, featuring many of our pals and past podcast guests. We hope to see you there, Lodgers and Birches! To finish off, we summarize some recent developments in Tolkien scholarship, including a run of excellent and much-needed work by Tom Emanuel, some wonderful pieces by our friends in a recent issue of Mallorn, and also one obnoxious article that will not go unchallenged.
Register for the Mythopoeic Society’s Online Midwinter Seminar ‘Something Mighty Queer’ here: https://mythsoc.org/oms/oms-2024.htm
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